
GSoC'20 Final Evaluation Report


Project: Improve Mason Package Manager

Organisation: Chapel Language

** Ankush Bhardwaj **

Email: ankush.bhardwaj0@gmail.com

Github: @ankingcodes


Ben Albrecht, Sam Partee, Krishna Kumar Dey


A package manager is a programming language’s tool to create environments for projects and easily use external dependencies. It allows users or developers to package their projects and publish them which can be used by others. Package managers are vital to a programming language and are integral in the popularity of the language. Therefore, developers and users expect easy implementation, hassle-free experience, fast builds, least bugs while using a package manager tool. This project aims to improve the user experience of Mason, a package manager and build tool for the Chapel programming language, by solving known bugs, adding new features, refactoring current features while writing tests and documentation

Outcome & Code contribution

A total of 22 issues and 44 pull requests was made overall, with 7 issues and 29 pull requests(6 from mason-registry) within the GSoC coding period.


Benchmarks are stored inside the benchmark/ directory. The test arrayAdd.chpl is written using Benchmark class as follows:

use UnitTest;

config const order: int = 10, 
       subOrder: int = 5;

proc elegant() {
  var Dom = {1..order, 1..order},
      subDom = {1..subOrder, 1..subOrder};
  var Array: [Dom] real, subArray: [Dom] real = 2.0;
  Benchmark.startTimer();    // starts the timer 
  for 1..Benchmark.N {
    for (i, j) in Dom {
      for k in 1..subOrder do 
        Array[i,j] += i*j*subArray[k, k];
  Benchmark.stopTimer();     // stops the timer
  Benchmark.log("elegant");   // function name passed for logging metrics

proc performant() {
  var Dom = {1..order, 1..order},
      subDom = {1..subOrder, 1..subOrder};
  var Array: [Dom] real, subArray: [Dom] real = 2.0;
  var tmp: real = 0;
  for 1..Benchmark.N {
    for (i, j) in Dom {
      for k in 1..subOrder do 
        tmp += i*j*subArray[k, k];
      Array[i,j] += tmp;

proc main() {

The compopts for this program is defined in benchmark/arrayAdd.toml as follows:

compopts = "--set order=100 --set subOrder=1000"

When mason bench is run inside a mason project home, having a directory tree as :


The output we get is as follows:

Skipping registry update since no dependency found in manifest file.
Compiling Benchmark Tests ...

Compiled arrayAdd.chpl successfully
Compilation failed for invalid.chpl
Compiled transposePerf.chpl successfully
Compiled array/a.chpl successfully
Compiled array/arrayAdd.chpl successfully


             Benchmark Results


Function: elegant
Iterations: 10000
Total Time Elapsed (ms): 4119.0
Average Time (ms/N): 0.4119
Function: performant
Iterations: 10000
Total Time Elapsed (ms): 5606.0
Average Time (ms/N): 0.5606


Function: transposePerf
Iterations: 10
Total Time Elapsed (ms): 87647.0
Average Time (ms/N): 8764.8


Function: addNumbers
Iterations: 10000
Total Time Elapsed (ms): 1.0
Average Time (ms/N): 0.0001


Function: elegant
Iterations: 10000
Total Time Elapsed (ms): 4514.0
Average Time (ms/N): 0.4514
Function: performant
Iterations: 10000
Total Time Elapsed (ms): 5600.0
Average Time (ms/N): 0.56

  • Toml module redesign: Current Toml implementation cannot differentiate between quotes present in Toml table headers and in key-value pairs. Also, periods present inside quotes of a Toml headers is treated as same as the periods outside the quotes. For example, consider the following toml :
score = "5"

Here, during parsing of TOML file, the "5" is treated same as that of "0.1.0" whereas one of them is a value to a key score and the other is part of a table header. This is due to the use of regex during Toml parsing.

Additionally, after parsing the table header, the subtables are as follows:

score = "5"

instead of

score = "5"

This is also due to the use of regex while parsing. The regex cannot differentiate between periods inside & outside of quotes.

#16141 was an effort to fix this issue but we found larger design challenges. For example, if we create an additional regex to parse [LocalAtomics."0.1.0"] entirely as LocalAtomics."0.1.0" , then the regex would require look-ahead and look-behind features for capturing the value after and behind of opening and closing square brackets which is not yet supported by our Regex module. Another issue would be that the regex would treat table header and array of elements as same. For example,

[LocalAtomics."0.1.0"]    # regex would capture LocalAtomics."0.1.0" here
tests = [ a.chpl, b.chpl, c.chpl ]   # regex would capture a.chpl, b.chpl, c.chpl here

Therefore, we require to rethink the design of Toml module so that we can fix these errors and also support features that are yet to be implemented ( Array of Tables )

Related Documentation:

Further Work

  • Lead design discussion for Toml module redesign issue
  • Additional features for mason bench: Current mason bench design is simple and lightweight. An extension of mason bench could be to support benchmarking test function recognition using primitives, defined in the compiler. Also, we could also support additional metrics like memory allocation for mason bench.